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West Edmonton Mall Waterpark Surf Lesson

One of the coolest parts of NAIT NewsWatch for me has been the N-zone Challenges. I was really excited for my first one where I got to play with NARCH (North American Roller Hockey Championships) men’s platinum champions, the Revision Rockies at the Edmonton Sports Dome.

The second time around I really wanted to challenge myself. I found roller hockey to be on the easier side since I have been skating and rolle blading my whole life. This time I did my research on all different kinds of sports and when I stumbled on surf lessons at the World Water Park in West Edmonton Mall I knew I had to get all the information.

Once I had all the details, I booked my lesson and couldn’t wait. I personally know I wouldn’t be up for trying this in the ocean with real waves, as I’m not a very strong swimmer and hate not knowing exactly what’s under me. I have shark week to thank for that.

I got to my lesson on Thursday night and it was a class of eight people with two instructors. They didn’t waste any time whatsoever and had us in the water just riding the waves on our stomach on the board. We came back into shore and tested how quick we can jump from our stomachs to feet a few times, and the lesson was over and it was time to get out there and have some fun.

I’m not even going to lie, I knew it would be hard just not this hard. I learned very quickly my upper body strength isn’t good, I would go as far as saying I don’t have any. It was a lot of fun. I got swallowed up by a couple waves, fell right off the front of the board multiple times; however, I was able to get up once and am extremely thankful I had the Go Pro catch all the action. After the lesson we were told we are now a part of the surf club and can drop in a few nights a week to brush up on our skills. I hope to convince a friend to take the lesson and join me. I would love to do it again and attempt to get better. If you haven’t tried surfing before I highly recommend the lessons through the World Water Park.

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